Think out loud, read out loud, speak out loud.

Republic Polytechnic’s @loud magazine (under Helicon) has been RP’s only student-run publication since 2004. 2009 has a fresh stride. A Digitalized @loud.

Now @loud has gone through a year of transformation and thus, publishing our new magazine in 2010; RepublicanPost (ReP). Student-initiated and student-led, @loud caters to students in RP and other polytechnics in Singapore, as well as to the public. We deal with issues ranging from youth and graduate issues, the latest fashion, movies, music, entrepreneurship, career ideas, to politics.

At @loud, when we want something to be done, we work together as a team to achieve our goal. We com from a diverse background and from all walks of lives, the @loud team is full of energy, is creative and is always bursting with ideas with its think-out-of-the-box nature.

Thus, our name A L(oad) O(f) U(tter) D(elirium).

July 2010
@Loud Online Launch

Latest: Who says being ECO-Friendly is boring? The “Face”of Singapore Seventeen and Shining Journey of the Youth Olympic Flame The Youth Olympic Games
Monthly: July 2010

August 2010

Chief Editor: Sakina Khaliq
Deputy Editor: Shaistah Munawar
Editor: Ng Si Ying Amandaz
Editor: Clara Lim Mei Xing
Editor: Teo Xing Zhi
Head Designer: Kenneth Pek
Webmaster: Yazier Nifail Hamzah.
Special thanks to: Khadijah Binte Rosli.
Basecodes: © Candycoatedmisery 2010

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The Youth Olympic Games
By Andre Tan

Are you all excited about the upcoming Youth Olympic Games? The Youth Olympic Games will start on 14 August and it ends 26 August. The event helps the public to create awareness on how sports play a part in improving the economy in Singapore. Sports can also help to improve people’s mentality and strength. Sports can be split into 26 different categories: from archery to weightlifting, table tennis to fencing.

Youth Olympic Games was derived from World Youth Games. World Youth Games was an international sports event for age 17 or under on the 31st December of the year of the competition. It was only held at Moscow, Russia in 1998. In 2007, the IOC announced that from 2010 onwards, the name would be changed to Youth Olympic Games, with Singapore beating Moscow in voting to stage the event. IOC President Jacques Rogge introduces this event for athletes between 14 and 18 in 2001.

The Olympic flame resembles the commencement of the Youth Olympic Games. It is stated in the vision of the Olympic Torch Relay:

A simple flame passed hand to hand
Not by the fastest or the strongest,
But by people whose greatest gift is what they give of themselves
Because, it’s not just what you do for the record books,
It's what you do for others.

The torch contains the flame which is burning and it resembles the journey of the Olympic movement. The 3 Olympic values are excellence, friendship and respect. The Journey of Youth Olympic Flame helps to remind the youths about these values and it inspires them to embrace, embody and express them to the world. This vision also inspires all Singaporeans and athletes that sports are meant for everyone regardless of different backgrounds. It encourages Singaporeans and athletes to take up sports as their hobby.

Youth Olympic Games is an international sports event where athletes around the world compete for the championship. Participants will be grouped by age. It is a very exciting and dynamic event which everyone should not miss. @