Think out loud, read out loud, speak out loud.

Republic Polytechnic’s @loud magazine (under Helicon) has been RP’s only student-run publication since 2004. 2009 has a fresh stride. A Digitalized @loud.

Now @loud has gone through a year of transformation and thus, publishing our new magazine in 2010; RepublicanPost (ReP). Student-initiated and student-led, @loud caters to students in RP and other polytechnics in Singapore, as well as to the public. We deal with issues ranging from youth and graduate issues, the latest fashion, movies, music, entrepreneurship, career ideas, to politics.

At @loud, when we want something to be done, we work together as a team to achieve our goal. We com from a diverse background and from all walks of lives, the @loud team is full of energy, is creative and is always bursting with ideas with its think-out-of-the-box nature.

Thus, our name A L(oad) O(f) U(tter) D(elirium).

July 2010
@Loud Online Launch

Latest: Seventeen and Shining Journey of the Youth Olympic Flame The Youth Olympic Games
Monthly: July 2010

August 2010

Chief Editor: Sakina Khaliq
Deputy Editor: Shaistah Munawar
Editor: Ng Si Ying Amandaz
Editor: Clara Lim Mei Xing
Editor: Teo Xing Zhi
Head Designer: Kenneth Pek
Webmaster: Yazier Nifail Hamzah.
Special thanks to: Khadijah Binte Rosli.
Basecodes: © Candycoatedmisery 2010

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The “Face”of Singapore
By: Melvin Han Feng Jun

24th July - In less than a month’s time, the prestigious Youth Olympic Games (YOG) will officially commence in our little sunny island. Since it is the first time Singapore is hosting such magnificent event, we definitely have to offer the best for our friends from other countries.

Sarah Somarajan, a facilitator from Culture Communication Centre (CCC) is one of the STARs Officer nominated by Republic Polytechnic to represent Singapore in the welcoming of the guests. So what does she really do?

Q: So Sarah, what is your job as a STARs officer in the YOG?
Being one of the STARs Liaison officers, what I actually do is to welcome the Very Important People (VIPS) or Very Very Important people (VVIPS) who could be Governors from different states to Royalties from different countries. I must also be very well equipped with knowledge of the games venue, and provide them with every little detail which might prove useful to our foreign guest.

Q: What are the trainings and difficulties that you came across?
There are other trainings such as Communications Skills where one has to learn how to communicate through sports. I must be able to communicate easily with the guests. Having the ability to communicate and relate to the prestigious guests is very important as a liaison officer. Other trainings include Cross culture aesthetics which touch on the issues that are sensitive to the guests, preventing any misunderstandings and leaving the guests with a bad impression of Singapore.

Q: So lastly what do you have to gain from this event Sarah?
The experience one can possibly gain being part of this major event, will be able to meet different kinds of people of higher status. This event is the first ever sports programme in Singapore and there is much to learn about it!


The STARs behind the Youth Olympic Games.

1) Stars officers are part of a Civil Service in Singapore.

2) Chosen Individuals all over Singapore have ages ranging from 15-50.

3) In YOG Different STARs Officers will be assigned different jobs in YOG.

4) A committee has been organized to make sure that things run smoothly during the YOG. They are the Singapore Youth Olympic Games Organizing Committee (SYOGOC) @